Older Adult Behavioral Health Initiative Training Courses
The Older Adult Behavioral Health Initiative offers a variety of educational modules to support community agencies in meeting the unique needs of this growing population.
Questions about trainings? Contact us through our OABHI Training Interest Form
Courses We Offer:
2025 List of Training and Education Available
GOBHI’s OABHI team provides a variety of workforce training and community education. Several sample topics and programs are listed below.
Workforce and Community
If you are interested in one of these or another topic not listed, please fill out the OABHI Training Interest Form .
Scheduled training events are also listed on this page below.
Workforce Training:
Oregon Advance Directives
Crisis Intervention Training
Getting to Know Dementia and other Positive Approaches to Care (PAC) Training
GOBHI Older Adult Behavioral Health Training Series for 1st Half 2025
Oregon Project Visibility (LGBTQIA2S+ competency training)
Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training
Substance Misuse and Problem Gambling Trainings
Other Geriatric Competency Trainings available per request
Community Education:
Chronic Disease Self-Management (CDSMP)
Grief and Caregiver Support Groups
Powerful Tools for Caregivers
Program to Encourage Active and Rewarding Lives (PEARLS)
Senior Planet (AARP Senior Technology Lectures and Workshops)
Wellness Initiative for Senior Education (WISE)
Age, Memory and Death Cafes
Oregon Advance Directive
Getting to Know Dementia and other Dementia Caregiver Topics
In-person | Virtual |
Yes | Yes |
EOCCO Oregon Advance Directive 2025
Thinking about advance healthcare wishes for yourself, a loved one or someone you are providing care for?
EOCCO's Advance Directive online training teaches you how to talk with loved one and/or a person you are providing care for about health care wishes and choosing a person to make healthcare decisions when the person in question is unable to.
Oregon Residents and Healthcare Care Providers
This free online training will help you to:
Share with loved ones your health care wishes
Remove the burden of making difficult health care decisions from loved ones
Provide guidance for loved one(s) and health care providers in honoring to your wishes
You will also learn about Oregon's Declaration for Mental Health Treatment; a tool for sharing your mental health wishes in a time of crisis.
When: Click on Date below to register
For questions or to get help registering for one of these sessions contact - Rod Harwood at rharwood@gobhi.org or Kai Nichols at kburgessnichols@gobhi.org
In-person | Virtual |
No | Yes |
Eastern Oregon Caregiver Support Group
Build a support system with people who. understand. Alzheimer’s Association® support groups, conducted by trained facilitators, are a safe place for people living with dementia and their care partners to:
• Develop a support system. • Exchange practical information on challenges and possible solutions. • Talk through issues and ways of coping. • Share feelings, needs and concerns. • Learn about community resources.
Care Partners of those Living with Dementia
Third Monday of the month
11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
In-person | Virtual |
No | Yes |
GOBHI Older Adult Behavioral Health Initiative Training Series for 1st Half of 2025
Build your knowledge and skills to meet the behavioral health needs of older adults. Join the GOBHI OABHI team for a series of two-hour trainings.
All trainings on Zoom
*NASW CEUs pending*
January 28th Hoarding a Clinical Overview -Interventions & Housing Implications
10-12pm with Jill Williams - Clinical Services Specialist
March 11th Reducing Fall Risks - Ensuring Safe Mobility (4Ms)
10-12pm with Nirmala Dhar, MSW, LCSW
May 14th Anxiety and the Older Adult
10-12pm with Nirmala Dhar, MSW, LCSW
In-person | Virtual |
No | Yes |
Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) Gatekeeper Training
Build your confidence and capability to help someone in crisis with this three-step, evidence-based training.
Professionals, volunteers and community members
QPR stands for Question, Persuade, and Refer — the 3 simple steps anyone can
learn to help save a life from suicide.
People trained in QPR learn how to recognize the warning signs of a suicide crisis and how to question, persuade, and refer someone to help.
Also covered information about preventing suicide among older adults populations.
QPR can be learned in our Gatekeeper course. Choose from the one of the following three sessions that best works with your schedule.
We will also provide a special 2 hours session which will include a focus on the Veteran population
Virtual Zoom Training
QPR 1 hour Session
March 6th 1-2pm
May 1st 1-2pm
Sept 4th 1-2pm
Special Veterans Addition
Nov 6th 1-3pm
In-person | Virtual |
No | Yes |
What is Dementia Really?
This workshop is designed to help attendees develop a basic appreciation for what happens in the brain due to some form of dementia. Specifically, attendees will discover the value in what remains as the condition progresses, as well as an introduction of supportive responses. The goal is to see that the person living with dementia is doing the best they can, rather than assuming they are simply not trying, or doing something on purpose. Finally, attendees will learn to identify for themselves when it is time to pause their agenda, such as a care task, and seek support for themselves or the person living with dementia.
Family Caregivers/Community Members
6 Sessions
In-person | Virtual |
Yes | No |