
Greater Oregon Behavioral Health, Inc. is a rural/frontier behavioral health and social services network, empowering individuals and communities to achieve better health.
We envision strong, healthy communities where all individuals are supported in achieving health, wellness, and their full potential.
GOBHI’s Values
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
We support the delivery of community-based healthcare which cultivates diversity, equity and inclusion by respecting and valuing each individual’s cultural beliefs and practices, health literacy, preferred languages, and communication needs. We recognize tribal sovereignty and value indigenous wisdom.
Customer Centered
We listen to needs, express empathy and compassion, and approach our work and all interactions with others with a supportive attitude.
Quality and Outcome Focused
We monitor and provide continuous improvement to identify gaps in service, decrease inefficiencies, and provide a better experience for the people we serve.
We hold ourselves accountable to the people we serve and meet regulatory obligations through robust program evaluation, measuring program and cost effectiveness. We share information and data on our performance with a commitment to transparency, integrity, and respect for the people we serve and our partners.
We value collaboration with members, stakeholders, and partners at the local, state, and federal levels. These relationships are the cornerstone for achieving our common goal of engaging diverse perspectives and knowledge to help people live healthier lives in thriving communities.
We foster innovation through collaborations, from lessons learned from our members and emerging healthcare research.

Our History
Established in 1994, GOBHI’s story is grounded in rural Oregon’s history of community partnerships and creative, locally determined solutions.
In discussing our state’s history, we also acknowledge the federally recognized tribes in our service area, including the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation and Burns Paiute Tribe. GOBHI honors tribal sovereignty and recognizes the inherent right of tribal nations to self-determination and self-governance.
When Oregon’s Medicaid program—the Oregon Health Plan (OHP)—launched, more than a dozen rural Community Mental Health Program (CMHP) directors joined together to form GOBHI. These rural and frontier county leaders recognized that by making collaborative decisions and sharing costs, they would build a stronger behavioral health system.
GOBHI’s portfolio of programs and services has expanded over the years and through the development of Oregon’s Coordinated Care Organizations. At the same time, we have grown through a variety of innovative prevention and intervention initiatives supporting health and wellness across Oregon’s rural and frontier communities, and beyond.
Our Role and Structure
GOBHI is a co-owner of the Eastern Oregon Coordinated Care Organization (EOCCO) along with Moda Health and other healthcare providers in Eastern Oregon, which provided healthcare benefits for 78,322 OHP members in 12 rural and frontier counties in 2022.
GOBHI’s impact extends far beyond its fundamental role as a Medicaid administrator. Its programs serve both Medicaid and non-Medicaid populations across the state, including children, families, and older adults. GOBHI forges dynamic partnerships with community stakeholders, including education, child welfare, criminal justice, and senior services.
GOBHI operates under the oversight of a board of directors, composed of county commissioners, community partners, public health directors, and executive directors from partnering community behavioral health providers. GOBHI’s CEO reports directly to the board of directors.
GOBHI partners with these Community Mental Health Programs to provide behavioral health services to our members:
Center for Human Development, Inc.
Community Counseling Solutions
Lake Health District
Lifeways, Inc.
Mid-Columbia Center for Living
New Directions Northwest
Symmetry Care
Wallowa Valley Center for Wellness
*EOCCO’s ownership group includes ODS Community Health (Moda Health), GOBHI, Good Shepherd Hospital, Grande Ronde Hospital, Saint Alphonsus Hospital, Saint Anthony Hospital, Eastern Oregon Independent Physicians Association, and Yakima Valley Farm Workers
A Letter from Karen Wheeler, MA, GOBHI CEO

Community members,
Greater Oregon Behavioral Health, Inc. (GOBHI) is proud to serve rural and frontier Oregon communities, as we have for more than two decades. As a leader throughout several eras of transformation in the healthcare system, GOBHI has never lost sight of our founding ideals of better health and wellness through high quality care and local solutions.
This annual report shares an overview of GOBHI and details our impact on the communities we serve. The year 2022 was characterized by a sense of energy and investments throughout the behavioral health system. This helped to develop more sustainable funding streams to bolster Oregon’s behavioral health system at a time of high need for services and limited capacity.
Upon statewide approval from the Oregon Health Authority, GOBHI implemented a behavioral health provider rate increase to support ongoing systems improvement and address access barriers. GOBHI also administered and distributed several network development and housing stability grants to strengthen the impact of locally driven initiatives as part of our Comprehensive Behavioral Health Plan (CBHP).
In 2022, GOBHI further activated a CBHP, which was developed on behalf of EOCCO. This plan includes three major work areas: Workforce development, behavioral health network development, and housing. Each saw major strides and strong community-based partnerships throughout the year. This work is continuous. Our behavioral health campaign, “Come Care With Us” was launched in the Spring of 2023 and is currently raising awareness and supporting the workforce pipeline with its compelling multimedia messaging.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion represented another key focus of this year. We have built upon partnerships with community organizations, including tribal nations in the Eastern Oregon region, EUVALCREE, a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to build capacity in the Hispanic community, and other stakeholders.
In closing, we are honored to serve the remarkable communities of Eastern Oregon. In light of this ongoing commitment, we look forward to collaborating with our local partners to better serve members, providers, and stakeholders at large.
I look forward to serving you in the future.
Warm regards,

-Karen Wheeler

Members and Communities
In this Section
Commitment to Health Equity
Where Do Members Live?
Member Demographics
Nuestras Comunidades
Partnering with Tribal Nations
Social Determinants of Health
Commitment to Health Equity
Our goal is to establish a health system that creates health equity where all people can reach their full health potential and well-being and are not disadvantaged by their race, ethnicity, language, disability, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, social class, intersections among these communities or identities, or other socially determined circumstances including geography.
GOBHI understands the unique challenges that people living in Eastern Oregon face when it comes to health equity. That’s why Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion are at the forefront of our work, so that we can better understand the unique needs of everyone we serve.

Where Do Members Live?
In 2022, GOBHI managed the care of 78,322 members across 12 rural and frontier counties in Eastern Oregon. Ten of the 12 counties in the Eastern Oregon region are designated as “frontier” meaning there are six or fewer people per square mile.
A majority (57%) of GOBHI members live in either Umatilla (37%) or Malheur County (20%).
According to zip code data, eight of the most populous member zip codes among GOBHI members show that they live closer to the I-84 corridor compared with other parts of Eastern Oregon, with the exception of the city of Burns in Harney County.

Member Demographics
Overall, EOCCO enrollment increased 21% between 2021 and 2022.
The economic struggles felt by many families during the ongoing pandemic, as well as policy changes expanding Medicaid eligibility to more Oregonians, have meant even more individuals in Eastern Oregon have their care managed by GOBHI than ever before.
GOBHI members represent a diverse array of cultural identities and backgrounds, and speak over thirty different languages. While English is the most common primary language spoken, 12% of members speak Spanish as their primary language, with 26%, 15%, and 13% speaking Spanish in Morrow, Umatilla, and Malheur counties, respectively. These counties are also the most diverse in the region, racially and ethnically.
The next most common primary languages were Marshallese, Mam, Mandarin Chinese, Algerian Arabic, and Yue Chinese, with a further 32 languages reported spoken by members.
EOCCO Membership Over Time

Membership Demographics at a Glance
33% Black, Indigenous and People of Color
7% Have a disability
53% Female
Average Age: 29
Overall, 33% of GOBHI members are Black, Indigenous and People of Color, compared to the 28% in all of Oregon.
Seven percent of GOBHI members identify as having a disability.
As in previous years, members tend to be younger and identify as female: 53% of GOBHI’s members identified as female[1] and the average age of members in 2022 was 29 years old.
Member Race and Ethnicity
Member Age Distribution
Nuestras Comunidades
Making culturally specific services available across our region, creating more inclusive environments for care, and working to address the unique needs of the Latino[2] families we serve are paramount to our work.
GOBHI serves three of the four counties with the highest percentage of Latino residents in the state of Oregon and 27.1% of our members identify as Latino. Morrow, Malheur, and Umatilla counties are home to the largest Latino communities in Eastern Oregon, with Latino members making up 49.9%, 42.7%, and 35.9% of our CCO population in each of those counties. 10% of our members speak Spanish as their primary language and GOBHI works with our network of providers across Eastern Oregon to ensure members are connected to Spanish-speaking providers as well as languages services.
GOBHI continues to work on how we can better support the wellbeing of our Latino members through EOCCO’s Health Equity Plan. The goals of the plans are:
Increase the completion of cultural responsiveness training and education by providers, clinic staff, and EOCCO workforce
Recruit and support a diverse workforce that reflects EOCCO membership
Improve access to language services for EOCCO members
Enhance member engagement efforts to address health and accessibility needs
Better understand population gaps and trends for accessing care
1. Currently, OHA captures sex and gender demographics for individuals identifying as male or female. GOBHI recognizes that this represents a gap in understanding the specific needs of those we serve, specifically members of the LGBTQIA2S+ community, and is working to improve ongoing efforts capturing data in this area.
2. The term “Latino/a/x” is used in this report because it both conveys respect for the ongoing transformation of community identity, and also includes the whole spectrum of community, including country of origin or ancestry, generation, gender, and gender fluidity. Currently, neither of the alternate terms “Latinx” nor “Hispanic” meets this work’s commitment to inclusivity. (“Hispanic” is a generic term for the Latino/a/x community, used by the U.S. Census Bureau to count only Latinos/as/x with Latin American origin or ancestry, and who are Spanish speakers; it thus does not capture the diversity of the Latino/a/x community).
Partnering with Tribal Nations
GOBHI has continued collaboration with the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR) and the Burns Paiute Tribe. The following are several highlights of recent efforts and partnerships with the tribes:
Yellowhawk Tribal Health Center added as a contracted provider in GOBHI’s provider network for Non-Emergent Medical Transportation (NEMT).
Sponsoring community and cultural events like the Yellowhawk golf tournament fundraiser.
Behavioral Health Workforce Campaign spearheaded by the GOBHI Network includes tribal representation on its steering committee, video materials, and job listings.
Collaboration with the tribes in the Eastern Oregon Human Resources Network.

Social Determinants of Health

Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) are conditions in the environments in which people are born, live, learn, work, play, worship, and age that affect a wide range of health, functioning, and quality-of-life outcomes and risks.* By supporting patient and population well-being, investments addressing SDOH can improve patient outcomes, help manage healthcare costs, and support health equity.
Below, we compare data for the general population of EOCCO counties to Oregon as a whole.
* As defined by Healthy People, a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services initiative
Economic Stability | EOCCO Counties | Oregon |
% Unemployed ³ | 4.90% | 4.40% |
% Households spending at least 30% of income on housing ¹ | 25.14% | 33.19% |
Work hours per week at minimum wage to afford 2 bedroom rental ² | 54 | 80 |
Median Household Income ¹ | $55,763.00 | $70,084.00 |
Neighborhood and Physical Environment | EOCCO Counties | Oregon |
% Households with broadband internet subscription ¹ | 81.35% | 89.50% |
Average daily particle pollution PM2.54 | 7.69 | 8.4 |
# Reported Crimes Per 100,000 people 10 | 914.77 | 844.21 |
Point in Time Homeless Rates per 1000 8 | 3.23 | 4.3 |
Owner Occupied Hosing units ¹ | 67.50% | 63.20% |
Renter Occupied Housing units ¹ | 32.50% | 36.80% |
Average commute time ¹ | 17.84 | 23.7 |
Education | EOCCO Counties | Oregon |
% High school graduate or higher ¹ | 85.10% | 91.00% |
Oregon Student Dropout/pushout Rate per 1000 students enrolled 9 | 42.8 | 40.7 |
% 8th grade math proficiency 9 | 23.06% | 25.90% |
% 8th Grade Science Proficiency 9 | 27.04% | 27.20% |
Community | EOCCO Counties | Oregon |
% In labor force ³ | 58.36% | 62.90% |
% Children in single parent households ¹ | 31.24% | 31% |
Health Care System | EOCCO Counties | Oregon |
% population with a disability ¹ | 17.86% | 14.39% |
Ratio of population to dentists 6 | 2417.5:1 | 1492.4:1 |
Ratio of population to primary care physician 6 | 1678.3:1 | 915.5:1 |
Ratio of population to medical doctors 6 | 744:1 | 256:1 |
% Uninsured (< age 65) ¹ | 9.06% | 7.98% |
Food | EOCCO Counties | Oregon |
% Children with Free and Reduced Price meal eligibility 7 | 54.06% | 49.90% |
% Food insecure 5 | 10.79% | 10.50% |
% Food stamps / SNAP benefits ¹ | 19.70% | 14.70% |
1. American Community Survey
2. National Low Income Housing Coalition
3. State of Oregon Employment Department
4. National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network
5. Feeding America
6. Health Resources and Services Administration
7. Oregon Hunger Task Force
8. Portland State University
9. Oregon Department of Education
10. Oregon Uniform Crime Reporting Data

Impact and Investments
Investing in Our Communities
GOBHI is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, receiving funding from a diverse group of sources directed towards providing quality care to individuals in our region.
GOBHI, as a majority owner of EOCCO, manages various funds with the goal of enhancing the care system, improving health outcomes, and integrating physical, behavioral, and oral health. Alongside the funds received to administer benefits for EOCCO members, GOBHI handles a portfolio of statewide and regional contracts, as well as federal and local grants, to offer services and support to strengthen families and care systems across Oregon. We actively advocate for increased investment in our rural and frontier communities and deeply appreciate our partnerships in pursuing that mission.
In this Section
GOBHI’s Funding
Comprehensive Behavioral Health Plan
Behavioral Health Service Array
Integrated Services
Non-Emergent Medical Transportation (NEMT)
GOBHI received a total of $77,968,636 in funds in 2022. We are committed to empowering our communities to deliver the best possible care to our members through innovative funding approaches. The majority of the $53,937,139.56 in behavioral health funds received in 2022 was disbursed via monthly Per-Member-Per-Month payments, also known as “capitation payments,” to our contracted Community Mental Health Programs (CMHP), based on the member populations they serve in each region. This model enables providers to dedicate more time to patient care while ensuring sustainable funding for critical behavioral health infrastructure throughout the year.
GOBHI’s Funding by Source
Comprehensive Behavioral Health Plan
GOBHI conducted an overarching Comprehensive Behavioral Health Plan on behalf of EOCCO dedicated to behavioral health services throughout the region. Launched in 2021, this body of work entered the key implementation stage in 2022.
Workforce Development
GOAL: EOCCO will develop an adequate and diverse workforce by:
Decreasing provider vacancies
Reducing turnover and stabilizing the workforce
Ensuring that the workforce in each county reflects the respective member population
The Workforce Development committee has been making progress on multiple levels. The Eastern Oregon Human Resources (EOHR) Network, created and implemented for this project, meets bi-monthly with active participants from HR staff representing various EOCCO counties; this network addresses issues such as retention, recruitment, diversity, and other major HR topics that specifically affect Eastern Oregon counties. Job postings and partnerships have been expanded to reach more people. Finally, GOBHI has embarked on a public education campaign targeting the importance of behavioral health services and workforce in Eastern Oregon, beginning in Spring 2022.

Workforce Campaign
The GOBHI Network has embarked on an innovative workforce campaign to build upon the behavioral health recruitment pipeline in Eastern Oregon. Its message is: “Come Care With Us.”
The campaign, developed in 2022 and launched the following spring, was funded by GOBHI and developed in partnership with providers and community stakeholders. Staff collaborated with the firm CFM Advocates and subcontractors ZPP Productions and Birdee Media to create a set of high quality media products.
These include:
A website and job board – bhcareers.org
Powerful videos of testimony from local professionals.
Social media across all major platforms
Radio and other advertising/marketing
Outreach to students and future employees
Visit the website to find open positions and hear stories about the critical impact of behavioral health professionals.
Contact: info@bhcareers.org
Behavioral Health Network Development
GOAL: EOCCO will ensure the provider network meets member needs by:
(1) Conducting a comprehensive assessment with an accompanying strategic plan for the behavioral health network; and (2) conducting member satisfaction survey and/or other methods for member feedback
Expanding outpatient Substance Use Disorder (SUD) services for adolescents
Expanding parent education and dyadic therapy services for children, ages 0-5, and their caregivers
Within the Behavioral Health Network Development committee, there are multifaceted objectives which committee members focus on. A subcommittee was formed to address gaps in capacity, with a specific focus on special populations; this subcommittee meets regularly in addition to the standing Behavioral Health Network Development meetings. In 2022, staff were able offer multiple trainings centered on moving agencies to LGBTQIA2S+ affirming care and improving cultural competencies. Utilizing survey feedback, a plan to address SUD services for adolescents was completed, part of which is a collaborative of providers representing various EOCCO counties that meet weekly. Triple P (Positive Parenting Program) has also expanded, with new contracts being solidified and more in the works. Lastly, EOCCO hosted a very successful virtual summit with over 80 participants focused on the importance of social-emotional health indicators and supporting children aged 0-5.
Housing Stability
GOAL: By expanding the existing community collaboration model, coordinating efforts and resources, and maximizing opportunities for supported housing for members, EOCCO will assist the Eastern Oregon communities to:
Improve access to supported housing
Improve housing conditions and reduce disparities for EOCCO members and their families experiencing homelessness and/or housing instability
The Housing Stability committee involves robust partnerships with EOCCO county service experts and community members. With the successful implementation of an Affordable Housing Summit, local housing issues, solutions, and expertise were gathered and discussed; 66 participants attended, representing all EOCCO counties. With the information and contacts gathered during the Summit, a Housing Collaborative was created to tackle the goals and issues that specifically affect the EOCCO region with meetings occurring every six weeks. Members of the collaborative include EOCCO providers, regional housing experts/organizations, and other stakeholders. Through this effort, GOBHI developed a request for proposals and has set aside $100K funds to assist with the cost of housing development in 2023. Another focus of the Housing Stability committee is the SHARE Fund (Supporting Health for All Through REinvestment); the 2022 SHARE Funding grant was awarded to ten applicants, totaling $1.5 million.
Behavioral Health Service Array
GOBHI, on behalf of EOCCO, administers the behavioral health benefit for its Oregon Health Plan (OHP) members and delivered over $41 million worth of behavioral health services in 2022. The behavioral health benefit encompasses a wide array of mental health, substance use disorder (SUD), and social well-being services aimed at improving the wellbeing of our membership. Mental health services accounted for 70% of services provided, while SUD services totaled 30% (up from 19% in 2021).
Encountered services: $40,977,588
Mental Health: $28,585,707
Substance Use Disorders: $12,391,881
Youth: $9,374,006 (23%)
Adults: $31,603,582 (77%)
2022 Highlights
147,426 services provided
11.6% of member received services
Substance Use Disorders: 2,140 individuals served
Mental Health: 7,940 served

Behavioral Health Services Provided in 2022
The term ‘behavioral health’ refers to mental health, substance use disorder (SUD), and problem gambling treatment.
Mental Health
EOCCO saw a 60% increase in mental health outpatient services from 2021 to 2022 for adults and youth. Almost 8,000 members received mental health services in 2022.
MH Outpatient Youth:
41,408 services, 2,458 individuals
MH Outpatient Adult:
113,707 services, 5,382 individuals
Around 1,900 individuals received SUD outpatient services in 2022, similar to 2021.
Just over 600 individuals received SUD residential and detox services over the course of the year, a 20% increase from 2021.
While telehealth utilization has decreased from the pandemic heights of 2020 and 2021, it remains a widely used service across the EOCCO region.
A variety of over 35,000 services were provided telephonically throughout 2022, which included services like individual and family therapy, peer delivered services as well as wraparound.

EOCCO Integrated Services Team
Case Example of Supporting One Member
In 2022, the integrated services care management team worked to help a member in intensive care management who had been experiencing significant mental health symptoms along with declining physical health and memory. The member had experienced several strokes. The member was not showing any improvement with traditional mental health treatment. The member’s case was staffed on the multidisciplinary team with physical case management and Aging and People with Disabilities (APD). The member was referred for neuropsychiatric testing and neurological consults.
2022 Team Highlights
101: Number of psychiatric and neuropsychiatric testing prior authorization requests processed in 2022
439: Number of referrals received in 2022 for Intensive Care Coordination and Intensive Care Management
Non-Emergent Medical Transportation (NEMT)
The NEMT program connects our members to physical, behavioral, and oral health care services. We partner with local transportation providers and volunteer drivers to coordinate free rides for Oregon Health Plan members to and from scheduled medical appointments.
GOBHI administers this program on behalf of EOCCO and serves members in the 12-county EOCCO region, as well as fee-for-service members in Hood River and Wasco counties.
NEMT Call Center Statistics
Answered calls: 73,598
Calls made: 53,418
Total calls: 127,016
Calls per day: 348
Top 10 NEMT Trip Reasons in 2022

Our Programs
GOBHI provides a wide array of programs and initiatives in service of behavioral health and wellness throughout Oregon.
The following section provides key information and highlights from each program.
In this Section
Applied Behavior Analysis
Child-Parent Psychotherapy
Choice Model
Community Health Development
Early Assessment and Support Alliance
Early Childhood
Frontier Veggie Rx
Intensive In-Home Behavioral Health Treatment
Older Adult Behavioral Health
Oregon Center on Behavioral Health and Justice Integration
Oregon Kinship Navigator
Peer Services
Rental Assistance
Substance Use Disorder Programs
Systems of Care / Wraparound
Therapeutic Foster Care / Foster Plus
Triple P – Positive Parenting Program®
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)
ABA is an evidence-based intervention for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). ABA therapy applies our understanding of how behavior works to real situations.
The focus is on assessing the why behind distressed responses and on skill development that supports the learner in improving self-advocacy and interactions with their environment. ABA uses principles from learning theory to optimize a child’s growth in communication skills, social skills, and independent living skills. ABA is covered by the Oregon Health Plan and is often part of comprehensive autism support services. GOBHI is committed to the treatment of children experiencing autism spectrum disorder.
2022 Highlights
Acquired a new ABA office in Baker City at New Directions Northwest
Hired, trained, and retained 3 new Registered Behavior Interventionists
15 families received extended parent training services only and 29 children received in-person treatment services
Supported four children in accessing communication devices
Trained providers on the ABA referral process accessible on the GOBHI website
Hired full-time Spanish speaking RBI to work in Hermiston office
Opened Pendleton Autism Center
Platinum Sponsor of the Eastern Oregon Autism Walk
Child-Parent Psychotherapy (CPP)
Child-Parent Psychotherapy is an evidence-based practice that is a relationship-based treatment model for young children, birth to 5 years old that helps young children and their caregivers recover and heal after stressful and traumatic events.
The CPP training program is offered to mental health providers throughout the state and provides a “Learning Community” where participants form supportive and therapeutic relationships through a commitment to completing an 18-month learning collaborative. In collaboration with the Oregon Health Authority, CPP consultants and early childhood staff provide clinician training and administrative support that is necessary for them to become endorsed in the therapeutic practice of CPP.
2022 Highlights
In August 2022, the first virtual cohort completed the 18-month learning collaborative and 18 clinicians successfully completed the certificate program.
Agencies in the cohort were provided with a $1,500 grant to enhance their playrooms to support the implementation of Child Parent-Psychotherapy.
In September 2022, the second virtual learning collaborative launched with 24 participants throughout the state.
Choice Model
Choice Model is a statewide non-Medicaid program designed to meet the needs of individuals with serious and persistent mental illness (SPMI) who are at risk of, or have already accessed, residential and inpatient hospitalization, including the Oregon State Hospital (OSH). Services outlined in the Choice Model are designed to improve local behavioral health service providers’ flexibility and ability to promote community-based recovery, and reduce the need for less effective, coercive/restrictive services, most notably in hospitals and institutions. This area of work was also supported by Cambia Health Foundation.
2022 Highlights
Distributed $80,000 in funds to help bridge housing, transportation, guardianship, and a variety of other temporary needs during periods when people are transitioning between various levels of care and eligibility.
In coordination with our community partners, GOBHI staff assisted in serving 45 unique individuals
Community Health Development
The Community Health Development Team (“Field Team”) works in the EOCCO region to ensure community engagement in health assessments, setting priority areas of work, and funding recommendations. The team oversees the EOCCO Community Advisory Council (CAC), which provides recommendations to the EOCCO Board of Directors. The CAC receives input from each of the 12 counties through their respective Local Community Health Partners (LCHPs). Through strong collaborations with stakeholders, they implement the annual Community Health Plan updates and the EOCCO Community Health Assessments (every five years).
The Field Team encompasses a variety of skills and has built a social capital in Eastern Oregon that enhances our ability to support efforts around engaging OHP members and families, partnering in community-based practices with education, public health, local government, tribal communities, and oral and behavioral health services.
2022 Highlights
Successfully transitioned 3 new staff to the team. All field team staff live in Eastern Oregon. Their diverse background, cultures, and experiences allow them to better meet members’ needs.
Successfully submitted and published the EOCCO CAC Demographic Report and CHP Progress Report.
Organized the CCO leadership structure to reinvest SHARE funds back in the community while ensuring member input.
Created a robust community engagement plan to increase EOCCO member engagement, broadening input from members and key local leaders.
Provided direct oversight to 50+ programs funded by EOCCO Community Benefit Initiative Reinvestments.
Involved in committees such as Healthier Oregon, redetermination workgroup, and EOCCO Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee, allowing us to advocate for members’ needs.
Early Assessment and Support Alliance (EASA)
EASA is a statewide network of programs which identify youth age 15-25 with symptoms of psychosis as early as possible. The EASA program provides support and treatment based on current research. The goal of EASA is to wrap services around the youth and their support system. These wrap services include supported employment, case management, psychoeducation and support in order to reduce stigma while maintaining life goals, etc. GOBHI is responsible for allocating funding, providing oversight, and coordinating care for the EASA programs that are covered under GOBHI’s service area.
2022 Highlights
63 enrolled members served across Eastern Oregon
58 referrals received to the EASA program
Early Childhood
The Early Childhood Team supports and collaborates with key partners in early childhood education, social services, and public health. The team participates as members of the Early Learning Hub Governance Boards, Parenting Hubs, Oregon Infant Mental Health Association (ORIMHA) Board, and Relief Nursery Boards.
Members of the team actively engage in building community partnerships to support children and families in the Eastern Oregon region. This initiative aligns with priorities of the Regional Community Health Plan (RCHP), which outlines objectives and strategies related to the population aged 0-5 and efforts to serve youth and family health and wellness.
Frontier Veggie Rx (FVRx)
The Frontier Veggie Rx program is a healthy eating initiative that supports individuals and their families in Gilliam, Harney, Lake, Malheur, Sherman, and Wheeler counties. GOBHI administers this program with Community Benefit Initiative Reinvestment Funds from EOCCO. Through this voucher program, local prescribers assess individuals to determine if they are food insecure. Eligible households may receive a monthly prescription to purchase fresh or frozen healthy fruits and vegetables from local stores or farmer’s markets. The FVRx program improves the overall health of an individual and community by addressing food insecurity, working with local vendors to provide a greater variety and lower cost of fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables.
2022 Highlights
Served 411 households, which includes 986 individuals of which 661 are EOCCO members.
The filling of new and refill prescriptions across four counties is equal to $155,280 in EOCCO Community Benefit Initiative Reinvestments and local financial investments to support healthy eating in these rural counties.
A unique partnership with Albertson’s Corporation at the Lakeview Safeway store allowed for the start of the FVRx program in December 2022. This program served 11 households in December and seeks to grow to 55 households.
Intensive In-Home Behavioral Health Treatment (IIBHT)
IIBHT is an Oregon Health Plan (OHP) level of care for youth and families. IIBHT is an intensive community-based service intended to help children, youth, and young adults through age 20, and their families, who require more frequent and intensive mental health treatment. It is provided outside of the traditional, once a week, clinic-based, outpatient model of care.
Services are offered at times and locations that best meet the needs of the youth and family. Whenever possible, services are offered in-person in the community and/or at the family’s home. Services are tailored to meet the individual needs of the young person and their family, for as long as individual support is needed. The youth and family will have a multidisciplinary team of professionals who meet with them for a minimum of 4 hours per week.
2022 Highlights
Monthly IIBHT workgroups with providers to support the implementation of IIBHT
Collaboration on shared documentation and IIBHT materials across all CMHPs continue to develop to incorporate children who were receiving Wraparound Care Coordination.
IIBHT in person trainings at every CMHP were provided to clinicians and Wraparound teams.
15 youth were enrolled in IIBHT in EOCCO
Older Adult Behavioral Health Initiative (OABHI)
The Older Adult Program at GOBHI is part of the Older Adult Behavioral Health Initiative of OHA. Three main tasks:
Complex Case Consultation
Community Collaboration
Workforce Development and Community Education
Goal of the initiative: “To better meet the needs of older adults and people living with physical disabilities by improving timely access to care from qualified providers who work together to provide coordinated, quality, and culturally responsive behavioral health and wellness services.”
2022 Highlights
Increased training participation from 1,007 participants (2021) to 1,500 participants (2022)
Trainings included: CIT - The Everyday Experience of Aging & 10 Ways to De-escalate a Crisis, 4 Question, Persuade, and Refer (QPR) Gatekeeper Trainings, Positive Approch to Care (PAC) Partner Support Series, Monthly Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support Group, Grief Support Series
Collaborated with other specialists across Oregon to plan and host Tools at Two, Mental Illness & 3 C’s series for community mental health and aging services providers
Presented to GOBHI Board of Directors about OABHI
Presented at Forum On Aging & Gerontology Conferences on caregiving and end-of-life topics
Supported the Aging in the Gorge Alliance’s Community-Wide Book Reading of “Together/Juntos” by Dr. Vivek Murthy in Hood River and The Dalles
Oregon Center on Behavioral Health and Justice Integration (OCBHJI)
The Center is a statewide program in partnership with the Oregon Health Authority to provide specialized training and technical assistance (TA) for behavioral health and justice partners to enhance knowledge and improve practices aimed at treating people who, primarily due to symptoms of serious behavioral health conditions, neurocognitive conditions, and/or intellectual/developmental disabilities, are at risk of becoming incarcerated or are already within the system.
The Center provides information, facilitation, training, and TA for Oregon’s behavioral health and justice systems including interdisciplinary groups, teams, and individuals. Visit the Center’s website at ocbhji.org
OCBHJI partners with The Center for Policing Excellence (CPE) at the Dept. of Public Safety Standards and Training (DPSST) in promoting, sustaining, and enhancing Crisis Intervention Teams (CIT) across Oregon. The aim of this partnership is to assist criminal justice and behavioral health agencies in providing a more effective and compassionate response to people experiencing a behavioral health crisis.
2022 Highlights
Season Two released of the “The Center Collaborative: Creative Solutions in Behavioral Health and Criminal Justice” podcast (ocbhji.org/podcast).
Membership in statewide and national boards. OCBHJI staff served on the Crisis Intervention Team International Board and the National Advisory Board for the Virginia Center for Policing Innovation’s CIT ASSIST (Adaptive System of Supports for Implementation and Specialized Training) program and was elected as the First VP of CITI.
Creation of the Civil Commitment Mapping workshop, which was inspired by Policy Research and Associate’s (PRA) Sequential Intercept Model (SIM) workshop.
Provided consultation to multiple states about the work of The Center and presented at the Crisis Intervention Team International conference on the role of The Center and their partnership with the DPSST. Co-chairing a national SIM Coordinators call through PRA.
Oregon Kinship Navigator
The Oregon Kinship Navigator, created in partnership with Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS) Child Welfare, provides support, guidance, and resources to non-parent kinship caretakers throughout their parenting journeys. Nearly half of Oregon’s more than 5,000 children in family foster care are placed with non-parent kinship caregivers and they face unique challenges in navigating the care of these children. Approximately 40,000 youth are being raised in kinship care statewide. Our staff members are located throughout the state of Oregon, bringing unique knowledge of both urban and rural communities of Oregon. Oregon Kinship Navigator meets the tangible needs of kinship families, provides online support groups and parenting support, facilitates resource referral, and provides access to a legal resource guide.
Visit the Oregon Kinship Navigator website at oregonkinshipnavigator.org
2022 Highlights
Provided support to more than 1,000 requests for service.
Entered into a partnership with Oregon Social Learning Center to research KEEP Connecting Kin, a kinship caregiver support program to create an evidence-based intervention to support kinship caregivers.
Peer Services
The Peer Services program at GOBHI provides technical assistance to our providers and healthcare partners within the EOCCO service area by supporting Traditional Health Workers (THWs), specifically peer workers employed in behavioral health agencies/organizations. Our staff serve in leadership roles to promote, educate, and expand utilization and capacity of state-certified THWs throughout the EO region. THWs are integrated into all aspects of behavioral health and physical health. THW is an umbrella term for frontline public health workers who work in a community or clinic setting under the direction of a licensed health provider/ clinical supervisor.
2022 Highlights
Provided scopes of practice training for THWs (August 2022)
Created & maintained data sheet for tracking of EO peer workers with specialty type
Provided safe space for recurring support groups with peer workers
Continued to provide financial assistance for training of Certified Recovery Mentors (CRMs) via funding from a State Opioid Response (SOR 2) grant
Rental Assistance
The Rental Assistance Program (RAP) provides permanent supportive housing rent subsidies on a monthly basis to individuals with serious and persistent mental illness who are homeless, at-risk of becoming homeless, or at-risk of being placed in restrictive environments like residential or hospital levels of care. GOBHI and Community Counseling Solutions work together to provide direct client services, administration, and oversight. The Oregon Health Authority is the program sponsor and funder. Residential Specialists and Peer Supports work with property owners, community mental health providers, and other support services to provide the individual with the services they need to remain independent, healthy, and safe. Rental Specialists work on relationships within a community that will help increase rental housing availability and work with individuals and providers to break down barriers to long-term housing financial support.
2022 Highlights
Served 66 individual households with $219,204 in rental assistance
17 new households placed into permanent supportive housing
Served 14 households with $13,695 in barrier removal assistance
Systems of Care & Wraparound Initiative
Systems of Care is a spectrum of effective services and supports for children, youth, and families with or at risk of health or other challenges. This is a necessary organizational infrastructure to collaboratively overcome cross-sector barriers in child-serving systems, covering 12 counties with Practice Level Workgroup and Advisory/Executive Committees.
Wraparound is an intensive team-based planning process to help children, young adults, and their families accomplish their family vision. This individualized care planning process is a shared commitment amongst professionals, youth, families, and their Natural Supports centered on the 10 principles of Wraparound; with Youth and Family driving the process. Wraparound and Intensive Care Coordination cover 12 counties with Individual Review Committees in each county.
2022 Highlights
12 counties served
225 youth in Wraparound or Intensive Care Coordination (ICC) services
Among these youth, there were 82 who met goals and successfully transitioned out of Wraparound/ICC.
Therapeutic Foster Care & Foster Plus
The Therapeutic Foster Care program provides homes for youth in local communities involved in the Child Welfare system or who are being supported by their local community mental health program. The Oregon Department of Human Services licenses GOBHI to recruit, train, and certify our own therapeutic foster parents. The enhanced level of support provided by our knowledgeable team empowers our providers to ensure a safe, trauma-informed environment that supports the healing process for each youth served.
In 2022, our program operated in 20 of Oregon’s 36 counties — through active recruitment and increasing public awareness, we continue to expand our reach across the state.
Foster Plus is an effort of 11 social service agencies collaborating to connect kids in need with the support and stability of committed, caring foster families. GOBHI leads this collaborative group dedicated to increasing the number of safe foster homes and supports other agencies to improve services to children.
GOBHI also contracts with Foster Plus members to provide Behavioral Health Treatment Foster Care (BH-TFC); a new level of care available to youth in Oregon. BH-TFC provides high-intensity services to youth in an effort to reduce the need for children to enter residential programs.
2022 Highlights
57 homes in 20 counties.
Provided care for 76 youth in total, 42 served through full-time care and an additional 34 through relief care.
17 new homes certified
Triple P – Positive Parenting Program®
Triple P is an evidence-based parenting and family support system designed to prevent and treat behavioral/emotional problems in children and teenagers. It aims to prevent problems in the family, school, and community before they arise and to create family environments that encourage children to realize their potential. As the lead partner, GOBHI is collaborating with community partners to implement Triple P as the primary evidence-based parenting program.*
GOBHI’s Triple P program originated in Umatilla County, and has since expanded to Baker, Gilliam, Grant, Harney, Malheur, Morrow, Sherman, Union, Wallowa, and Wheeler counties, as well as children and families from the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation. Triple P services are offered to all caregivers and include group workshops through online parent education. GOBHI’s Triple P program contracts with local partners to provide individual support to children and their families. Our program was the first site in the United States to implement the Positive Early Childhood Education (PECE) program.
* Ministry and Mission Funds (MMF) of St. Anthony Hospital in Pendleton partners with GOBHI for a Positive Parenting Program Grant.
The Judith K Hofer Fund of the Oregon Community Foundation awarded GOBHI a Parent Ed Health Partnership Grant (specific to Gilliam, Sherman, and Wheeler Counties).
2022 Highlights
Hired a bilingual second Triple P Specialist position to meet the needs of local parents and expand Spanish class offerings.
Secured grants and funding support in partnership with Pendleton Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS) Child Welfare, Four Rivers Early Learning Hub, Frontier Oregon Parenting Education Hub, Umatilla Morrow Head Start, and Building Healthy Families.
Expanded parenting education classes to parents of teenagers and parents of children with special needs and disabilities.
Workforce Culture
At GOBHI, we have spent decades creating a culture where people with a variety of backgrounds, experience, and skills unite to make communities across Oregon stronger and healthier. With employees across the state working at home or office settings, we make connections that lead to quality friendships among staff and our local partnerships.
As a community-grounded organization, we understand and support diversity by creating a culture of dignity and respect for our employees. We are honored to be an equal opportunity employer.
Work culture highlights:
Great benefits
Bilingual pay
Employees’ choice holiday policy
Commitment to diversity training
Flexibility in onsite or remote work
Deeply rewarding work that changes lives
Interested in joining the GOBHI team?
Email hr@gobhi.org

GOBHI employees at community events
Organizational Chart
Closing Remarks
Thank you to the GOBHI Board of Directors, staff, providers, and our wide network of community partners for your role assisting in GOBHI’s success this year.
Each day, we honor our commitment to improving health outcomes throughout the diverse communities we serve. As always, our highest priority is the members, families, and communities we serve. We look forward to joining in partnership with you to continue building thriving, healthy communities in rural and frontier Oregon.
I look forward to serving you.
Karen Wheeler, CEO
Greater Oregon Behavioral Health, Inc.
General & Media Inquiries: info@gobhi.org
Toll-free: 1-800-493-0040
Local: 541-298-2101
TTY users: 711
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