Choice Model

The “Choice Model” is a statewide non-Medicaid program designed to meet a variety of needs with flexibility in funding for individuals with serious and persistent mental illness (SPMI) who are at risk of, or have already accessed, residential and inpatient hospitalization. The aim of the Choice Model is to help people with mental health disabilities remain in their community of “choice”. Services outlined in the Choice Model are designed to improve local behavioral health service providers’ ability to promote community-based recovery and reduce the need for more restrictive services, most notably in hospitals and institutions.
Choice Model funds are allocated by the Oregon Health Authority to contractors throughout Oregon, primarily Community Mental Health Programs. In the GOBHI/EOCCO service area, GOBHI serves as the Choice Model contractor. GOBHI distributes Choice Model funds through contractual agreements with Community Mental Health Programs throughout the 12 county service area in Eastern Oregon. GOBHI distributes a portion of the total Choice Model award from OHA directly to CMHPs for staffing capacity and reserves the balance of the award for flexible fund allocation based on individual needs.
These Choice Model ‘Flex Funds’ are managed by the Care Management unit of GOBHI’s Integrated Services workforce. Choice flex funding is distributed on a case-by-case basis. It is intended to enhance our providers’ ability to perform creative interventions that are not otherwise funded through the Oregon Health Plan or other programs. The funds are a crucial tool in our daily effort to work through difficult clinician situations in ways most likely to promote community-based recovery.
> Who is Eligible for assistance through the Choice Model
> What the Choice Model Includes
> How the Choice Model Program Works