Cuidado de crianza GOBHI
Cuidado de crianza GOBHI
Our Mission
To provide advocacy, intervention, and support to interrupt generational trauma, build healthy communities, and develop stable, connected children and families.
Visit our FAQ page or contact us with any questions.
About GOBHI's
Foster Care Program
As a co-owner of the Eastern Oregon Coordinated Care Organization, GOBHI has connections to behavioral health networks throughout Oregon. Our Foster Care program sprang from seeing the need for safe places for foster youth to land throughout the state. The result is that we are uniquely poised to connect foster youth and foster families so they can thrive.
Our foster parents are a vital part of our team-based, trauma-informed approach. These families open their homes to provide care and we provide training, a 24-7 support line, and more. Together we use a Collaborative Problem Solving® approach with foster youth ages 3 through 21, referred to us from the Child Welfare System or their local Community Mental Health Program.
Being in the system is hard enough, so disruptive that 49% of Oregon foster youth have a high school diploma or GED by the time they're 21. We do everything we can to keep youth in their home communities, in the same schools, and near their existing support systems. With support and understanding of why they struggle in the first place, these kids can thrive.
To provide those safe spaces to land, though, we need more foster homes. Learn more about the journey to becoming a GOBHI Foster Parent today!
Therapeutic Foster Care
Our program provides full-time services and care to youth involved with the Oregon Department of Human Services (DHS), Child Welfare Division. Full-time foster parents receive 2 paid days off per month.
GOBHI is a proud member of the Foster Plus collaborative, connecting youth in need of extra support with care that’s a step up from traditional foster care.
Typical length of GOBHI youth placement:
6-24 months
Minimum Qualifications
Must be an Oregon resident 21 years or older and be willing to:
Complete a criminal and child welfare background check
Keep an emotionally and financially stable household
Provide a separate bedroom for foster youth
Have fewer than 4 children living in your home if you are a single applicant, or fewer than 5 children if you are two-parent applicants
Cannot be certified with multiple foster care agencies at the same time
Connect With Us
Contact us by email or subscribe to our e-newsletter
Contact us by phone
Join an upcoming Info Session
Si tiene preguntas sobre la crianza temporal en GOBHI, comuníquese con el director de crianza temporal, Adam Rodakowski:
Correo electrónico:
Teléfono: 541-298-2101
If you or your client have recently visited the emergency department for a mental health crisis, please utilize this document: Advocating for your loved one during a crisis: A guide for parents and caregivers while at the hospital emergency department.
Calificaciones mínimas:
21 años o más y estar dispuesto a:
Pasar una inspección de seguridad en el hogar y contra incendios
Completar una verificación de antecedentes penales y de bienestar infantil
Mantener un hogar estable emocional y financieramente
Proporcionar un dormitorio separado para los jóvenes de crianza
Tiene menos de 4 hijos viviendo en su hogar si es un solicitante soltero, o menos de 5 hijos si es un solicitante biparental
Nuestro programa de formación
Para apoyar el éxito de nuestros padres de crianza y de los jóvenes colocados en sus hogares, proporcionamos un mínimo de 39 horas de capacitación antes de que un joven sea colocado en un hogar de crianza. Nuestro programa de capacitación incluye oportunidades de aprendizaje individuales, grupales y en línea. Cada año, apoyamos a los padres de crianza temporal para que reciban al menos 16 horas adicionales de capacitación.
Entrenamientos ofrecidos por GOBHI:
Resolución colaborativa de problemas
Curso de formación para padres de 8 semanas
Entrenamiento de Nivel 1 de 3 días
Intervención de crisis no violenta
Resumen de la política y los procedimientos del programa
Entrenamientos de intervención terapéutica específicos para los jóvenes en su hogar