Because our foster families and room in their hearts and homes, we ended 2024 with…
A total of 65 certified foster homes
Stability is vital for foster youth. They start out in situations of abuse, neglect, or other struggles while their family of origin struggles. Then, a complete upheaval of everything familiar when taken into foster care. Some struggle with this transition more than others. GOBHI's program builds in therapeutic, trauma-informed support beyond what traditional foster care offers.
Together our team and certified families served 67 full-time youth throughout the year! We are also very proud of the 10 youth who exited our program into permanency!
To keep youth in our program supported, we have a host of part-time homes to offer relief (or respite) care when our full-time families need some time off. Thanks to relief families, our total of youth served throughout the year to 116. We also provide this for youth outside of our program who need temporary support during a crisis or a safe place to land between placements. Relief care is a vital resource to any parent, foster or otherwise, and allows them the support they need to take breaks when needed, all while the young person in their charge is in capable and trustworthy hands.
GOBHI foster parents can choose to provide full-time or part-time relief care, and many do both. Sometimes youth in relief placements come from within our program, as our full-time families receive two paid days off every month. Other times it’s a foster youth who needs a place to stay for a bit before a full-time placement becomes available. On occasion, a youth is still with their family of origin but needs a short burst of specialized care, so both the kiddo and the family can get back on their feet without foster care being necessary.
Whatever the need, relief care allows for continuous safekeeping of Oregon’s most vulnerable youth.
19 of these homes certified in 2024
New homes account for 28% of our total for this past year, and we cannot thank them enough for joining our efforts. These families went through a background check, 39 hours of training in therapeutic foster care, a home study, and more to get where they are today.
That alone takes dedication. But they’ve also been preparing to welcome a youth into their homes for anywhere from a handful of days or weeks (for relief care) to an average of 6-24 months (for full-time care). Either way, that kiddo is in their lives around the clock. It's a big commitment that is not to be undertaken lightly.
Our foster families come from many different backgrounds and throughout Oregon. GOBHI values diversity across those we certify, to help meet the varying behavioral and cultural needs of the youth we serve. Being a single provider, renting instead of homeowning, working full time—these by themselves are not barriers to fostering. It takes a community to build a robust network of care providers to meet the needs of youth! Learn more about how you can help strengthen your local community today.
26 homes still in the certification process
These are on track to become our newest foster homes in 2025. Again, these folks are working through at least 39 hours of specialized training before a first placement, regardless of whether they plan to provide relief or full-time care.
Our training program includes individual, group, and online opportunities for learning. All so our foster families can meet a youth’s needs based on their age, development, background, and trauma history! Even our existing foster homes receive a minimum of 16 hours of training a year for recertification. Our monthly Foster Parent Power Hours can count towards this. (Read about some of the topics we covered in last year’s blog posts: reflective listening and Plan B conversations.)
What awaits on the other side of certification? Support, and not only for foster youth. In addition to the specialized training, GOBHI Foster Care has a 24-7 after hours line. One time in 2024, a team member helped deescalate a situation by reading a book over the phone to a distressed youth to help them calm down. (Thank you Libby app!) No matter when a foster family calls or texts us, someone on the team is on call to answer. We even provide new families with a “Meet the Team” sheet so they always know who they’re talking to even if it’s not their regular contact.
An eye to the future
Thank you for tuning in to the first annual GOBHI Foster Care Wrapped! While we did see growth in our program this year, Oregon’s foster care system always needs more homes. Foster youth can struggle with anything from poor social skills and impulsivity to anxiety and depression. Many suffer from generational as well as individual trauma, and need a safe space to both heal and grow into their best selves.
The benefit of a smaller, more concentrated program is that GOBHI foster parents receive a lot of training and one-on-one support. Every home has a staff member assigned to support the family through a youth’s entire placement, and we have two dedicated trainers on the team to provide specialized, personalized training where needed. Remember, this type of care aims to prepare youth with the skills and stability to reenter traditional foster care, or move on to permanency. That means the average placement for therapeutic placement as opposed to traditional care tends to be shorter, so you can help multiple kiddos over the course of your certification whether you provide full-time or relief care.
If you’re considering joining in our efforts for 2025, please attend our next virtual info session or fill out an application today!
Foster parents are reimbursed for their time and efforts, but so are those who refer them to our program. Let someone know about GOBHI Foster Care and note your name on their initial application. If they become a certified foster home with GOBHI, you receive $500! We'll also send another $500 once they have provided one year of foster care.
This referral bonus is available to both individuals and service groups. If you’re part of an association or club that serves your community and interested in a partnership, let us know via this contact form and we’ll be in touch.
Join us whenever it feels right for you. In the meantime, cheers to new beginnings and working together for a better future in 2025!
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