Update From The CEO
Hello all. GOBHI welcomes our new CEO, Ann Ford. We highlighted this transition in the previous newsletter, and want to give an extra hello as Ann begins her leadership with GOBHI. GOBHI is excited to have Ann begin on April 1st. Ann has exceptional leadership experience, strong rapport with community partners, and a deep knowledge of behavioral health policy and programs in Oregon, as well as dual Master’s degrees in Public Health and Business Administration. Ann has prior experience with GOBHI, where she served as Corporate Compliance Officer from 2021 to 2023. In addition, she has served as Director of Compliance at HealthShare, Oregon’s largest Coordinated Care Organization. You can read more about our new CEO here.
For this month’s highlight, we thought it would be helpful to highlight an article from the Association of Oregon Counties regarding the short legislative session.
This year’s short legislative session was remarkably successful, as the Association of Oregon Counties (AOC)’s health and human services priorities largely aligned with those of legislators on both sides of the aisle. The following policy and funding bills, effective upon the governor’s signature, will better equip counties to address the state’s dual homelessness and substance abuse crises.
HB 4092 addresses AOC’s top health and human services policy priority, and requires a mandatory cost study to be conducted every five years for services that our community mental health programs are statutorily mandated to provide. The study is aimed to capture the true cost of the service delivery array, correcting for inflation-based increases as well as unfunded mandates. The first study is due in December 2024 and because of the short timeframe, will be limited to court-mandated services. A full study will be conducted in 2025.
HB 4092 also mandates and funds a workgroup to recommend measures to reduce administrative burden on community mental health programs and their local contracted providers. GOBHI CEO Ann Ford testified in support of this bill and was on the committee that wrote it. The report is due at the end of the year. A survey of local providers estimates that 40% to 60% of every clinician’s day is spent on administrative work rather than direct care. Any reduction in this burden will immediately increase Oregon’s public behavioral health services capacity.
HB 4002 (Measure 110 reform policy bill) establishes local jail-based and mobile medication for opioid use disorder programs through grants from the Criminal Justice Commission. The bill requires at least 10% of total grant awards to be awarded to facilities in rural areas.
HB 5204 (omnibus funding bill for Measure 110 reform and related programs) provides:
Gap funding for specialty courts, aid and assist community restoration services, and jail diversion
Start-up funding for county deflection (pre-arrest diversion) programs
Start-up funding for the medication for opioid use disorder program
Behavioral health workforce development funding at Oregon universities to attract and support students acquiring degrees and certifications
HB 4001 establishes an interim task force that will recommend specialty court system improvements and sustainability measures for consideration in the 2025 session. There are two seats on the task force for county government.
EOCCO Advance Directive Trainings
There is a series of Advance Directive trainings scheduled for 2024. They will help those thinking about advanced healthcare wishes of one’s self or a loved one.
EOCCO’s Advance Directive online training teaches you how to talk with loved ones about your wishes and choose a person to make healthcare decisions for you if you can’t.
Register today for one of the following training dates:
Learn more about EOCCO’s Advance Directive policies.
REACH Facility Opens in Hermiston
On March 14th, there was a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the Rivers Edge Acute Center for Healing — or REACH — in Hermiston. This licensed 15-bed facility will cater to individuals experiencing acute psychiatric distress and those in need of longer-term psychiatric residential care. GOBHI has supported Community Counseling Services with this project with over $500,000.

Once officially open in mid-April, REACH will offer daily therapeutic services, including medication stabilization, counseling, skills training, and care coordination. It is a Secure Residential Treatment Facility (SRTF). With a dedicated team of 20 including psychiatric mental health nurse practitioners, nursing staff, residential associates, cooks, maintenance, and supervisory staff, REACH is ready to make a positive impact in our community.
Older Adult Behavioral Health Initiative (OABHI) Trainings
For individuals in behavioral health working or interested in working with older adults, there are upcoming training sessions
Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Virtual Training - Build your confidence and capability to help someone in crisis with this three-step, evidence-based program. This two-hour training will also cover information about preventing suicide among older adults and veteran populations.
All trainings are on Zoom. You can register here.
May 6, 10am - 12pm
September 10, 10am - 12pm
November 7, 1pm - 3pm
2024 GOBHI Older Adult Behavioral Health Initiative (OABHI) Workforce Training Series - Build your knowledge and skills to meet the behavioral health needs of older adults.
All trainings are on Zoom from 10am - 12pm. You can register here.
May 21: Lewy Body Syndrome
July 16: Depression in Older Adults
September 17: Alcohol Use in Older Adults
November 19: Behavioral Activation
Contact the GOBHI OABHI team at oabhi@gobhi.org with questions.
2024 Lunch and Learn Training Opportunities
In an effort to improve access to GOBHI’s training for network providers and offer Continuing Education Units (CEU’s), we are excited to announce the 2024 Lunch and Learn Series. On the 3rd Thursday of each month from 12-1 PM PT we will be offering 1 hour of CEUs for a variety of topics, presented by GOBHI subject matter experts. We are hoping you will join us! We understand this time is usually lunch for folks, so feel free to join camera on or off and both get some nourishment, earn a CEU, and engage with peers around topics that we think are pertinent to the work you all are doing!
The following table provides training topics and links to registration.
We look forward to Lunching and Learning with you all in 2024!
Program update - Foster Care
Foster homes for youth are greatly needed in Eastern Oregon!
The GOBHI Therapeutic Foster Care program provides full-time/part-time services and care to youth in foster homes with foster parents certified and trained by GOBHI. Youth are involved with the Oregon Department of Human Services (DHS), Child Welfare Division.
Please visit our website to learn more about the program and how you can help by sharing information, promoting the importance of foster care, and referring individuals who are able to support this critical effort.
Help us build a network of caring homes to support youth across our state. For more information about referral incentives and how you can support foster home recruitment efforts, see this flier or contact a member of our Foster Care Team.
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