Update From The CEO
As you may know, GOBHI has successfully moved its headquarters to a new location in The Dalles: 3729 Klindt Dr., The Dalles, OR 97058. We sent a press release to local media about the address change, and there has been coverage in several news outlets.
Simply put, this location will be a better fit for the organization. You can’t beat those waterfront views, too!
Below, please enjoy a picture of the view from our new office from earlier this month! Please stop by the office on your way through The Dalles! I want to express my deep appreciation and thanks to the business and finance team, led by Lisa Chamness, for all the hard work organizing the move, painting, decorating (more to come!) and care for our new location.

The GOBHI Board of Directors held their November meeting in the new space. I know they appreciated the views — several mentioned how hard it was to keep from looking out the windows and focus on the topics! The board heard regular updates from human resources, finance and revisited / confirmed the strategic goals that were developed during the retreat last month. We have a new Board Member! George Williams, LCSW, Executive Director for Center for Human Development Behavioral Health joined us for his first board meeting. George comes to Oregon from Atlanta, GA where he served as a behavioral health program director. He grew up in Brooklyn, NY. Below you will see George and I having a “selfie” moment on the deck of the new location. He is a wonderful addition to our Board and a great champion for the work GOBHI supports. George is a DEI expert and I am excited to seek his wisdom and guidance as we take our organization to the next level with this important work.

In closing, thank you for your steadfast efforts and commitment to serving the behavioral health and social service needs of community members in Eastern Oregon.
Karen Wheeler, MA
CEO, GOBHI / Behavioral Health Director, EOCCO
Fall provider trainings
GOBHI has been providing a series of fall/winter training sessions for the provider network. These are important learning opportunities for behavioral health professionals throughout the region. We would love to see an increase in attendance at these fantastic opportunities that meet professional requirements!
Immediate past training list:
QMHP Codes 11/7 https://www.eventsquid.com/event/21509
QMHP / Peers Codes 11/15 https://www.eventsquid.com/event/21510
HIPAA 11/15 https://www.eventsquid.com/event/21513
EPSDT & Coding 11/14-15, https://www.eventsquid.com/event/21516
0-5 Social Emotional Health Learning Session, 11/8, https://www.eventsquid.com/event/21517
NEW/UPCOMING: ASAM Overview 12/7, 12-1 PM https://www.eventsquid.com/register/22245
Promoting Transportation Services

As part of the system-level social emotional health incentive metric, GOBHI staff have had the privilege of meeting in person with providers and early childhood partners during the last year to discuss ways we can remove barriers to children aged 0-5 years old accessing behavioral health services. Consistently, transportation was mentioned as a considerable barrier to getting these children and families engaged in services. In response, GOBHI and EOCCO have been working to further promote non-emergent medical transportation (NEMT) services in the region through a number of different initiatives.
In the last month, providers may have seen more posts on GOBHI’s Facebook, Instagram, and Linkedin pages promoting this critical service. We encourage partners to share these posts on their own social media pages and support GOBHI in promoting free rides for members. Additionally, GOBHI is preparing a social media toolkit for partners to use in creating their own posts promoting NEMT in the region. Additional information surrounding how to connect members to NEMT services, as well as the social media toolkit, will be found on our NEMT webpage.
Awareness Months

In November, we honored Native American Heritage Month! Each November, we celebrate the history and present day contributions of Native peoples.
The enduring legacy of colonization, displacement, and family separation continue to impact Native communities' wellness and create barriers to accessing support. Tribal communities are disproportionately impacted by behavioral health concerns.
One way to honor Native communities is to learn about culturally responsive mental health support. Lines for Life has compiled several resources specific to Oregon. Take some time to visit them as you go about your own self-guided education and reflection this month.
Program update - Foster Care
Foster homes for youth are greatly needed in Eastern Oregon!
The GOBHI Therapeutic Foster Care program provides full-time/part-time services and care to youth in foster homes with foster parents certified and trained by GOBHI. Youth are involved with the Oregon Department of Human Services (DHS), Child Welfare Division.
Please visit our website to learn more about the program and how you can help by sharing information, promoting the importance of foster care, and referring individuals who are able to support this critical effort.
Help us build a network of caring homes to support youth across our state. For more information about referral incentives and how you can support foster home recruitment efforts, see this flier or contact a member of our Foster Care Team.

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GOBHI Communications Update
GOBHI would like to thank Pat Mulvihill, our Communications Coordinator, for all her leadership on the Provider Newsletter. Since its first issues, Pat has been the lead on integrating articles, and writing fantastic content. Her work has ensured providers receive meaningful and interesting information on a monthly basis.
Pat is leaving GOBHI to pursue an exciting career opportunity with a larger organization. While we are thrilled for Pat's new venture, it is with a heavy heart that we say goodbye to someone who has been an invaluable professional and a personal inspiration. She has dedicated over five years of service to our organization, and her contributions are far-reaching.
Pat’s last day was November 24th. GOBHI is in the process of hiring a new Communications Coordinator. The Behavioral Health Campaign will be under the leadership of GOBHI's HR Officer, Julie Leutschaft. Julie has networked with key stakeholders in rural workforce development. We are excited to have her build upon the campaign's impressive foundational work.
Please join us in thanking Pat for her invaluable legacy and wishing her well in her next career chapter.
General Communications : Contact - Ari Wagner, COO and Operations Director: awagner@gobhi.org. Ari will introduce you to GOBHI’s new Communications Coordinator when recruitment is completed.
Behavioral Health Campaign : Julie Leutschaft, HR Officer. jleutschaft@gobhi.org
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