Update From The CEO
Greetings, providers,
Welcome to fall! I hope you get to enjoy some walks in the crisp air, taking in the autumn colors.
Happy Hispanic Heritage Month! This celebration extends from September 15 to October 15. Check out the learning resources in the awareness events section of this newsletter for details.
September – what a busy time of year! The 11th Annual EOCCO Summit took place last week at Wildhorse Resort & Casino, bringing together providers and allied partners serving EOCCO Members. GOBHI staff will be attending various events as part of our community presence, including CCO Oregon, Oregon Council for Behavioral Health, Association of Oregon Counties and more. Next month we are looking forward to the Blue Mountain Early Childhood and Behavioral Health Summit in Pendleton, Oct. 13; Community Behavioral Health Workshop on Oct. 23rd in Hermiston and Community Behavioral Health Workshop in Pendleton on Oct. 30th. The Community Behavioral Health Workshop will consist of two half-day sessions to discuss mental health and substance use in Umatilla County. Participants will address local needs and identify clear steps of action. Learn more or register here.

(At the EOCCO Summit last week. GOBHI: Dr. Satya Chandragiri, Kristin Bezdek, Kathleen Madore, and Ashley Reeser. From CHD, Amber Schuler, second from left.)
We are continuing efforts outlined in the EOCCO Comprehensive Behavioral Health Plan: Network Development, Workforce, and Housing. Along the topic of workforce, the Behavioral Health Workforce Campaign in Eastern Oregon had a busy summer as we raised awareness about the need for behavioral health professionals in the region. We are continuing this effort. Make sure to share the campaign and its job board with those interested in a career in BH.
In closing, thank you for your steadfast efforts and commitment to serving the behavioral health and social service needs of community members in Eastern Oregon.
Karen Wheeler, MA CEO, GOBHI / Behavioral Health Director and Tribal Liaison, EOCCO
Early Childhood Learning Session
Systems-Level Social Emotional Health (SEH) Incentive Measure - Year 2 Community Learning Session
What is the Social Emotional Learning Session about?: Addressing the needs of our youth aged 0-5 and their families.
Development of the metric including vision, purpose, and activities. The focus of the metric is for children birth to age 5, and their families, to have equitable access to services that support their social-emotional health and are the best match for their needs.
Build capacity within CCOs for enhanced services, integration of services, cross-sector collaboration, and future measurement opportunities.
Use child-level data to guide and inform efforts, assess the sensitivity and specificity of the child-level metric to those efforts.
Review of CCO Aggregate Performance and Social Emotional Health Reach Metric Data
Asset map for contracted behavioral health services summarizing the capacity and characteristics of Social-emotional health services, specific to therapy services and assignments/screenings
Obtain meaningful input and conversations with cross-sector community partners and families from the communities experiencing historical and contemporary injustices. Identify barriers and opportunities to improve SEH service that can inform the CCO’s Action Plan to address service capacity and access
Who should attend:
Primary care practices and providers
Behavioral health programs/providers that serve children
Early Learning Hubs
Tribal governments and/or the Urban Indian Health Program
Regional Education Service Districts, including the Early Intervention and Early Childhood Special Education program
Culturally specific organizations serving children birth to age 5 and their families
Local DHS programs, including the office of child welfare and self-sufficiency
Other behavioral health programs/providers serving children birth to age 5 and their families
Local criminal justice agencies
Early care and education programs, including preschool and child care programs
Local public health programs serving children birth to age 5 and their families (e.g. WIC, home visiting)
Regional health equity coalitions
Faith based organizations
What Next?
EOCCO will use the reflections from conversations with cross-sector community partners and families to create an Action Plan- addressing barriers which impact children and their families to have equitable access to services that support their social-emotional health and are the best match for their needs. We will strategize ways to continue building capacity within EOCCO for enhanced services, integration of services, cross-sector collaboration, and future measurement opportunities.
Thank you for your participation in this event and we look forward to learning more from you.
Awareness Months
Hispanic Heritage Month

GOBHI is proud to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month! GOBHI serves Eastern Oregon Coordinated Care Organization members in three of the four counties with the highest percentage of Latino residents in the state of Oregon and 27.1% of our members identify as Latino/a/x (2022 annual report). We encourage you to take this time to visit learning resources and events that highlight the rich history and present day contribution of Hispanic and Latino/a/x residents in the United States.
Here are just a few examples:
Smithsonian: Top 8 Reasons Why and How We Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month
PBS is celebrating this month with a slate of new programs and specials. Visit this link for a schedule of Hispanic Heritage Month 2023 programming and suggestions for finding local listings.
The National Museum of the American Latino has virtual exhibits and multimedia that highlight the diversity of the Latino/a/x experience throughout history.
Recovery Month
The month of September is designated as National Recovery Month with a focus on educating and celebrating the many rewards recovery has to offer. It is a time to come together and reflect on not only this issue, but also the positive and affirming message that recovery is both possible and attainable.
Consider sharing a few of these helpful links our staff shared in relation to Recovery Month.
Recovery Resource Center: Website by the organization Partnership to End Addiction. It includes prevention resources and more.
Social Media Toolkit: Provided by Substance Use and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), this page is a one-stop shop of outreach and awareness products. Consider sharing on your organization’s social media platforms.
Recovery Walk: Save the date and register for the Oregon Recovers and Center for Human Development recovery walk on Oct. 7.
Share GOBHI posts on social media to help raise awareness in the power of recovery!
Fall provider trainings
GOBHI is providing a series of fall trainings for the provider network. These are important learning opportunities for behavioral health professionals throughout the region. More information will be posted at the registration webpages below. Stay tuned for information about CEUs and other details.
Upcoming trainings list:
QMHP Treatment Planning 10/3 https://www.eventsquid.com/event/21507
SUD Treatment Planning 10/5 https://www.eventsquid.com/event/21508
QMHP Codes 11/7 https://www.eventsquid.com/event/21509
QMHP / Peers Codes 11/15 https://www.eventsquid.com/event/21510
HIPAA 11/15 https://www.eventsquid.com/event/21513
SUD Waiver and Co-Occurring, 10/10-12 https://www.eventsquid.com/event/21515
EPSDT & Coding 11/14-15, https://www.eventsquid.com/event/21516
0-5 Social Emotional Health Learning Session, 11/8, https://www.eventsquid.com/event/21517 (See above article)
Problem Gambling Summit
The “Setting the Stage for the Future” summit will take place October 5-6, 2023 (Pre-conference on October 4).
Location: The Inn At Spanish Head Resort Hotel, 4009 SW Highway 101, Lincoln City, Oregon.
Registration links and more information:
Network Development funds
REMINDER: For GOBHI Network Development Request for Proposals (RFPs), the submission deadline for proposals is 9/30/23.
GOBHI has dedicated funds to further the goal of expanding its behavioral health provider network in the EOCCO region, an initiative tied to the EOCCO Comprehensive Behavioral Health Plan (CBHP) . GOBHI welcomes proposals that will address one or more of the following areas related to network expansion.
For eligibility and application information, visit the GOBHI funding opportunities webpage for more information.
Upcoming dates:
● September 30, 2023: RFP Closure Date - Final Deadline for All Submissions.
● January 1, 2024: RFP Awardees Project Start Deadline
Program update - Foster Care
Foster homes for youth are greatly needed in Eastern Oregon!
The GOBHI Therapeutic Foster Care program provides full-time/part-time services and care to youth in foster homes with foster parents certified and trained by GOBHI. Youth are involved with the Oregon Department of Human Services (DHS), Child Welfare Division.
Please visit our website to learn more about the program and how you can help by sharing information, promoting the importance of foster care, and referring individuals who are able to support this critical effort.
Help us build a network of caring homes to support youth across our state. For more information about referral incentives and how you can support foster home recruitment efforts, see this flier or contact a member of our Foster Care Team.

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